1. I could not be more excited to be an aunt I just found out it is going to be a girl and I am so excited for Nichole and Rhett! They are going to have the cutest baby.
2. QUILT! I am so excited I made my first quilt if it looks similar to Cassidy's that is because we took a quilting class together but I am sort of getting addicted to quilting now it is way fun.
3. Finally a few pictures from Halloween my niece and nephew came to see me at work they were so cute seeing everyones freaking cute kids is making me baby hungry!
Your quilt is adorable! And congrats on becoming an aunt! Little nieces are the best, I have three of them!
That is a beautiful quilt! You did awesome, I could never do that! We missed you tonight! I am so excited that you will be my babies auntie! I can't wait to see ya! Love ya!
How cute are your niece and nephew... And your quilt looks awesome!! are you taking more classes????
Your quilt does look good! I wish I wanted to be crafty right now...
Oh and you suck at blogging! I'm sure your aware by now! But seriously I contemplated never looking at your blog again! :)
oh my heck! you are alive! glad to see your back to blogging(sorta) your quilt is great! love it! now go and make a baby quilt for that cute little niece your going to have! :)
Tara, I just remembered something. I was thinking about those years we took sewing lessons together as little girls! Remember the genie costumes we made in like 4th grade? I loved Tuesday nights at Bernina, and when we would walk down to Great Harvest to get a free slice of bread. Those were the good days!
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